Liz Blanchard

I'm a Product Designer working in the Open Hybrid Cloud space.

A fresh look for the oVirt Administrator Portal Dashboard

18 Jun 2015 » virtualization

This was originally written and shared on June 18, 2015 when I was working with the oVirt Community.

In the next major release of oVirt, we have been putting some thought into updating the Dashboard for the Administrator Portal. The goal for this update would be to allow admins to quickly glance at the state of their environment, see the metrics that are most important to them, and then jump off to dig even deeper from there.

The first step in our design efforts was to research what exists today in the oVirt Administrator Portal as well as other virtualization administration UIs out there and decide which of this information might make sense to surface on a dashboard. We did an initial mock-up based on this research so that we could show people and get some first glance reactions. oVirt Dashboard 1

After running this initial mockup by a few people who know the virtualization space well, we put together and sent out a survey to the oVirt community asking for feedback from any and all administrators on what they’d like to see on a dashboard.

After excellent feedback in both areas, we were able to bring everything together that we’d learned and landed on a more polished first cut of what the Administrator Portal Dashboard could look like. oVirt Dashboard 2

We are still looking to gather feedback on the first round of this dashboard design. Please feel free to leave your thoughts in a comment below. Are you going to be attending Red Hat Summit this year? Stop by the oVirt booth in Community Central on Wednesday or Thursday if you want to take a closer look and give your feedback in person. We are working on a few other concepts that we will be sharing there as well, so come help shape the future direction of the oVirt Administrator Portal!

Thanks, Liz